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Adam 12

The street was crowded with people, from a distance it seemed as if there was a mad-dash carpet sale in progress. As I grew closer to the commotion, the state of confusion also grew proportionally. I finally got close enough to see a man lying in the street, his head being held by another man whispering something softly.

The man lying in street was profusely bleeding from a gaping chest wound, the man acting as a necromancer was performing some act of absolution. I finally got close enough to eavesdrop as to what was being said by the necromancer.

How did you injure your finger?

Upon closer observation I saw a blue band-aid on the index finger of the dying man. The gaping wound was not worrisome but the cut on the finger posed quite an eschatological dilemma for the necromancer.

Good place to look before installing

It is always best to check cve.mitre.org before installing anything. People install all type of distros, out for only months but with a lot of eye candy desktops and apps which catch the interest of not very felicitous users.

Traveling between dystopia and utopia

Funny day, today. Funny not in a humorous way, but rather a complete opposite of funny –now what is the opposite of funny. A quick search shows that there are 227 opposite words for word funny. All those wondrous words and at the and the word I chose to use is: “not-funny”. Not a word if it is hyphenated, right?

I never understood the meaning of anything penultimate. How does one even know that this will their penultimate solar sojourn. What is they take two more after that –records would need to be mended.